Hot desking originates from the definition of being the temporary physical occupant of a work station or surface by a particular employee. 办公桌轮用制源自于某个员工暂时使用一个工作位或工作面这样一个概念。
There were more than twenty piano companies in Beijing at that time, and she applied for a position as a temporary employee. 那时北京有二十多家琴行,她就一家一家上门去应聘。
If your position will be vacant or filled by a temporary employee, the company may need your help on specific problems. 如果你的岗位空着或由临时员工来接管,公司可能需要你帮忙解决某些特定问题。
Educational object are new associates, including newly-assigned operator, managerial and technical personnel, temporary employee as well as trainee. 教育对象是新进厂人员,包括新调入的操作工、管理和技术人员、临时工和实习人员;
Companies may take measures such as downsizing, temporary lay-off, employee leasing to cope with environmental uncertainty, so the staff feel hire unwarranted. 企业可能采取裁员、临时解雇、员工租赁等措施来应对环境不确定性,员工因此而感到雇佣无保障。